The Mining Policy Framework: Assessing the implementation readiness of member states of the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF) – Synthesis Report
By Alec Crawford, Published by IISD, October 2015
IISD, with support from the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD), worked with three member states of IGF—the Dominican Republic, Madagascar, and Uganda—to help them operationalize practices consistent with IGF’s Mining Policy Framework (MPF). This was a two-part process. First, assessments measured the readiness of the three member states to implement the six pillars of the MPF through existing government laws, policies and measures. The assessments were then used to help governments target their efforts in implementing the MPF, to inform capacity-building efforts, and to allow for monitoring of progress over time. The second part of the project focused specifically on the capacity-building element. This report synthesizes some of the key findings from the assessments and the capacity-building workshops. Available at